We evaluate your current environment to establish key findings, recommendations and mitigation roadmap
Interactively engaging your stakeholders (Business,Development, Testing, Environment Support and PMO) in interviews, workshops and discussions to establish insights and testing maturity across the organisation
Health checks focusing on project level execution with emphasis on testing and quality assurance. Establishing clear recommendations and solutions required and appropriate to business objectives
Review current test suites, tools (automation/performance/load), framework, approach, data, techniques, procedures and workforce to support software delivery
Implement and delivery of the recommended roadmap with continuous support and optimisation
Establishing and setting assessment expectations , identifying key stakeholders,
scheduling Interviews & tailoring questionnaires
Reviewing artefacts, process documents, project reports and systems. Engage and follow-up with stakeholders, document findings, observations and responses, Verify responses (story telling/play back for approval by interviewees)
Developing a high level implementation roadmap for implementing the necessary recommendations. Collaborative session to step through the recommendations and implementation plan